Monday, October 02, 2006

Office stories

10/23: I recently heard of 2 examples of the results of working too hard in the consulting industry. Both involve fast-risers in a well-known firm, on the cusp of becoming very young partners in Greater China. One had a heart attack at work, at the age of...30. The other began spitting up blood at work, the day before a final presentation, perhaps at the age of ~34. While somewhat shocking, they are only the most recent in a history of collateral damage within this company. Stories of stillborns and people fainting at work are well-known within the Asian offices. That said, I believe that these types of occurences are actually worn as a medal of honor at the company. Further, they are actually beneficial to their careers. Semi-jokingly, I said that the firm doles out heart attack bonuses, paralysis bonuses, etc. The ultimate is if you die during the job, you get a post-mortem partnership appointment (your family can benefit from x years' profit sharing).

A friend told me about a recent conversation they had with their boss, which reveals how hard core one working environment is in Asia.
Situation #1 - Boss to favored employee: The world is divided into those who "have" (有) and "don't have" (沒有). It's not a matter of "can" (會) and "cannot" (不會), because those who "have" can go from "cannot" to "can". Your in the "don't have" category. One cannot go from "don't have" to "have".

Situation #2 -
Unfavored employee to boss: Do you drink coffee everyday?
Boss: Yes, but I wouldn't have to if you could understand what I tell you to do.

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