Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Two thumbs up for the HK Constables

Last night I had a noise complaint at 2AM and did as I always do in other countries - I called the police. They responded quickly, caringly, and with in force. They called me on their cell phone when near the apartment building in question (the apartment generating the noise was a neighboring one) to find out more specific directions. When they couldn't locate it, they actually called me to come up to my apartment - to see where the building was, and what noise was coming from it. I was a bit startled when they showed up with 3 policemen, but it showed that they cared (or that it was a slow night in Happy Valley). After the visit, they proceeded to visit the apartment in question and crack down on the party. After they made the visit they even called me back to find out if the noise had died down. It had, which was great. Unfortunately, it picked up again 10 minutes later. Those damn expats with nothing else to do but party on weekday nights (2nd night in a row).

(Yes, in Hong Kong, they call the police "constables")
For your information:HK is so advanced that it has online complaint forms for Noise and other issues: HERE

Here are some useful police phone numbers: HERE

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