Sunday, June 14, 2009

How to get a clownfish to take residence in an anemone...

I bought a purple-tipped sebae anemone, about 2 weeks ago. Nevermind the fact that the LFS (local fish store) sold me a "bleached" one, which are by definition not healthy (I only found out after the fact) and may not survive that long.

The reason I bought this was to make my Gold Stripe Maroon Clown happier. Clownfish have a symbiotic relationship with Anemones, where they take care of it, and it protects them (with their poisonous tentacles, to which Clownfish are immune to).

Unfortunately, the clownfish didn't take to the anemone during the 2 weeks. It seemed comfortable in its original home of the fishtank's heater. First I removed the heater, and left the rack (has 2 suction cups). Clownfish still stayed there.

Today, I removed the rack and moved it in front of the anemone. After a few hours, he started to check out the anemone, and finally, he began to take residence! All in a few hours! He's doing the tail wag to the anemone's body, swimming in it's tentacles, etc. I guess I got lucky!
The plastic rack is still next to the anemone but I think I can probably remove it soon enough.

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