Friday, April 18, 2008

"Honeymoon will be short for Taiwan stocks"

In contrast to the vast majority of bulls on the Taiwan market since the presidential election, here is an article which tries to counter the bandwagon mentality.

This is in the context of:

  • Taiwan Dollar has appreciated 7% vs USD this year, 2nd best in Asia
  • Taiwan real estate has surged since the elections on Mar 22, in some places up 18%, due to speculation that foreign (HK & Mainland) investors would come in. Next Monday, a contingency of high profile mainland property developers are taking a tour of the island and potentially place some bets. Li Ka-Shing, the HK real estate mogul, has also recently announced similar interests in investing in Taiwan. His son, Richard Li, visited Taiwan in March to view property investment opportunities. Investing legend Jim Rogers has also begun investing in the island on expectations of improved cross-strait relations.
  • Taiwan stock market has risen almost 10% since January vs. about a -3% loss for the Dow Jones, and a -8% loss for the Nasdaq (Click on below to enlarge image).

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