Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Canine Crustaceans

(Original post date: May 1)
My "fish" tank has been relegated to a crustacean tank, as parasites run rampant in Hong Kong fish (maybe that's why $50 fish in the US cost $1-2 in Hong Kong). Anyways, I have 3 inhabitants.
1) Cleaner shrimp
2) Hermit crab (Plain orange)
3) Hermit crab (Fluorescent blue, with black stripes)

The cleaner shrimp was originally purchased in order to de-parasite the fish I was buying. Since all the fish have since passed, the shrimp is left to eat algae and whatever microorganisms are in the tank. That said, it has molted healthily, and survived without much care. The crabs have done just as well. I just returned from a 2-week trip, and all three were still thriving in my 29-gallon tank.

Although raising crustaceans may seem (it is) a tad boring, they actually do have interesting quirks. For instance, I just put some dried shrimp at the bottom of the tank, and just a few moments afterwards, the Blue hermit crab smelled it and rushed over to start at it. It was like a dog finding a bone!

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