Thursday, March 22, 2007

Viacom "takes it up a notch" against the devil YouTube

Viacom formalized its complaints against YouTube/Google by filing a $1 billion lawsuit. I particularly like this statement by Viacom, which echo's what I've been saying since Day 1 of the Google acquisition.

"Their business model, which is based on building traffic and selling advertising off of unlicensed content, is clearly illegal and is in obvious conflict with copyright laws."

On the flipside, in the same BBC article, it notes that they've done a legit deal with YouTube, which could be evidence of some potential for business dealings... (but it's really just a sign that the BBC has no backbone)

Separately, the BBC has struck a content deal with YouTube to showcase short clips of BBC content.
The BBC hopes that the deal will help it reach YouTube's monthly audience of more than 70 million users and drive extra traffic to its own website.
The corporation will also get a share of the advertising revenue generated by traffic to the new YouTube channels.

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