This is how Poker is done in Hong Kong. Rent a room in a Mahjong parlor (which is legal in HK), which offers poker chips ("chou ma"), cards, and dinner for additional fees. Note the fat size of the HK Do-sun chips. Unfortunately, they do not offer the plastic bricks worth $100 mn each, which you see in Do-sun. Also disappointing was not seeing any fights where mahjong tables are flipped, or gangsters with watermelon knives "chop" people.
It was also interesting that many people fold-out when they don't have to (on a check), just to prevent opponents from seeing their cards.
Some key poker words in Canto:
All In=Sai Lang
Put you all in=Sai le lang
Put you and your #@$! family all in=Sai le tong le gou pok gai hum ga cham
Do you have the balls to X? Do you have enough courage=Lai gou mm gou geurng?Scared=Luuuut
Pics of the poker room: