Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Delicate wrapping in Japan

Although Japan prides itself on its almost burdensome recycling policy (involves separating your trash into about 10 categories), it spares no trees (or plastic) when it comes to wrapping. Check out my eggs and tomatos, which were delivered as part of my entire groceries (free over USD $50).
Dozen Eggs:
Bubble wrap on the outside:

Plastic bag inside of the bubble wrap:
Plastic container on the inside of the plastic bag (with a once-use plastic seal strip):

Styrofoam wrapping taped to outside:
Plastic wrap with styrofoam tray inside of styrofoam wrapping:
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Sunday, March 01, 2009

Bicolor angel victimizes 2 clownfish

Bought 2 clownfish (percula, small size), and a Bicolor angel, at the same time. I was at first worried that the blue damsels would attack the small clowns, but instead noticed the Bicolor was nipping them at times.

I thought this would pass, but it didn't... few days later, the clowns' tails were bitten off, and they died soon after.

I've never had this problem before with a Bicolor, and there's not issues with the damsels and it... now I don't know what fish it can get along with...