Saturday, January 12, 2008

Curry Ching Chong

In a recent visit to Las Vegas, I encountered a situation so uniquely racist yet amusing that I had to note it here. In the Caesar's mall, I inadvertently walked into a large group's photo, and immediately said, "Sorry".

I was quickly met with a snide, "Ching Chong". Ahhh, the classic "Ching Chong". I thought only caucasion or african american's said that. However, I was quite surprised that this came from the lips of an Indian!

I turned around and said, "WHAT?" One apologized, but another jokingly said, "Well, we're all Terrorists anyways".

They all laughed.

I let out an awkward laugh as well, as I had been responded to in such a surprisingly perverse manner, I had no other out. After the fact, I wondered if I had let them off too easily. It's a sad day when fellow asian minorities degrade each other with terms created by non-asians.